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True diversity reflects and acknowledges the rich variety of backgrounds, characteristics, qualities, values, and perspectives that make us unique as individuals and stronger in the aggregate. At Kim Vaughan Lerner LLP, not only do we strive for diversity, we live it. We believe that our diversity is to be celebrated and reflected in everything we do. We are committed to the ideal that our diversity makes us better business partners, better lawyers, better problem solvers, and better citizens of our community.


For that reason, we apply a team-oriented approach to staffing all of our cases. This approach maximizes attorney availability and guarantees a diversity of perspective, experience, and expertise that enhances the business solutions and legal strategies that we bring to each engagement.


We seek to build collaborative relationships with clients, professional associations, and community organizations that share our commitment to diversity. This includes mentoring law students from diverse backgrounds, supporting events that promote diversity, and encouraging our attorneys’ participation in community events and local and national bar associations.


Perspective is the ability to understand and relate to the viewpoint of others through one’s own life experience, background, empathy, judgment, and morals. Social, economic, political, ethnic, and cultural experiences all influence our individual perspective and color our sense of justice. A well-defined perspective, which accounts for a variety of experiences, provides the lens through which one can see the big picture. Perspective, therefore, broadens our approach to problem solving while at the same time refining our core principles of justice. When properly used to solve problems, perspective provides us with the tools necessary for creative, efficient, and practical results.


At Kim Vaughan Lerner LLP, we believe that our diversity strengthens our Power of Perspective.

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